Cameo Rascale offer a unique variety show, engaging audiences with a combination of juggling, acrobatics, balancing, dance, ring manipulation, LED effects, diabolo, unicycling and comedy. A high energy performance suitable for all ages to enjoy.
James Capener was born to entertain. His first performance was at the age of 4, inspired by his parents who were an acrobatic duo, also known as Cameo Rascale. The family acrobatic act performed together for over 10 years, appearing on Australia's Got Talent in 2009 which was a highlight in their career.
After the family retired, James continued the legacy and is now joined by his partner, Rebecca. The talented duo bring a new dynamic of exciting skills to the stage, performing on international cruise lines, hotels and resorts all around the world.
Floor Shows
Cameo Rascale are ‘that something different’. Their show has everything from edge-of-your-seat circus skills and extreme juggling to stunning adagio routines and breath taking acrobatics. The show is tightly produced with a very unique and current music soundtrack.
Cameo Rascale are one of the very few acts that can truly be described as having universal appeal after receiving great responses and feedback from every age group in the audience from children and teenagers to adults and seniors. James & Rebecca are thoroughly professional, innovative and entertaining and will create a show fitting for your event.
Roaming an event is a fun and interactive way to entertain a crowd. It involves performers constantly moving and mingling around groups of people, showing off skills and creating an exciting atmosphere. Cameo Rascale's talented performers can accommodate any themed event with extravagant costumes on stilts, jumping stilts and the giant unicycle.
Cameo Rascale offer workshops for all ages and levels of experience. Our workshops are designed to engage participants in a fun, challenging and motivational environment, with the aim of each person learning the basis of the skill. Suitable for school groups, team building, parties and functions.