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Glenn Swift

~ Bio

Which doesn’t mean he is going to leave the audience entirely in passive comfort, because as much as Glenn enjoys being entertaining as an MC, he enjoys creating audience participation, and a feeling from all of having contributed to the occasion.

What is particularly useful about Glenn is he comes in so many different packages - Hoax Expert (name an accent, he’ll make people believe), Theme MC (appropriate material researched and written), Storyteller (he still does a lot of work with kids, and keeps 100 six-year olds focused for up to an hour - really!), Group Workshop Facilitator, Games Leader, Brain-Stormer and when you need it - Quizmaster!

Comedy comes naturally to him and usually arises from a present situation. He can write funny material to order, usually after an interview with a key informant.

Glenn Swift is the consummate entertainer. He can dress as any character you'd like to imagine including a Safari Man, (Story) Conductor, Ringmaster, Pirate, Policeman, Cowboy, Mad Hatter, Gangster, Sea Captain, King Neptune, Wacky Scientist, even Santa Claus & the Easter Bunny!

He can also perform characters on stilts such as Jester and the one and only Elvis Presley.

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